This is a short summary of how special types are handled: 'static' variables: Will not be saved at save_object(), nor modified at restore_object(). 'static' functions can not be called through call_other(). 'static' inheritance will make all inherited definitions 'static'. 'private' variables and functions: Can not be accessed by a sub class inheriting their definitions. Functions can not be called through call_other(). 'private' inheritance will make all variables and functions 'private'. 'nomask' functions and variables can not be redefined by a sub class. 'nomask' inheritance will make all inherited definitions 'nomask'. 'public' variables and functions can be redefined by a sub class, even if they have been inherited 'private'ly. 'public' inheritance will make all inherited definitions 'public'. The type 'protected' is reserved, but does not mean anything currently. "varargs" bedeutet, dass der Funktion nicht alle Parameter übergeben werden muss "int" : 32 bit Integer "status" : gleich wie int "object" : Pointer auf ein Objekt "string" : Normaler String unbegrenzte Länge "mixed" : Beliebiger Variablen-Typ Ein Stern (*) vor dem Variablen-Namen bedeutet, dass diese Variable ein Pointer auf ein Array des Typs ist. Z.B.: string *str; str ist ein Array of strings.